What a week, not sure what else to say. Stay tuned for Coach Lynn Potter's Saturday workout for now, here is Friday.
Friday At Home Workout
Warm Up
10 Minutes For Quality
10/10 Groiners
20 Jumping Jacks
10 Squat Therapy Squats
:20 (L) Side Plank
:20 (R) Side Plank
BodyWeight Workout
50 Glute Bridges
50 Single Leg V Up (alt each rep)
25 Burpees
25 V Up
Total Body Finisher
4 rounds
8/8 Bulgarian Split Squat
:30 HS Hold on wall. Scale to off couch
10 Hollow rocks
1:30 rest
Weighted Version
25 R Leg DB Deadlift
50 Single Leg V Up (alt each rep)
25 L Leg DB Deadlift
50 Abmat sit-ups
25 Burpees
Cool Down
1:00 (R) Pigeon Pose
1:00 (L) Pigeon Pose
1:00 (R) Deep Couch Stretch
1;00 (L) Deep Couch Stretch