There is a ton of good information about the Sickness - Wellness - Fitness continuum and it is worth a google. A great place to start is a CrossFit Journal article from 2002 call What is Fitness?
As the sickness rates and ultimately the death rates related to the Covid-19 virus hit staggering numbers even the healthiest of us are forced to contemplate a scenario where we contract the virus and fall sick from it. As hospitals and care givers reach capacity, what will happen, how will we fare?
The Sickness - Wellness - Fitness Continuum is a conceptual way to think about your chances of surviving a catastrophic event. In general the fitter you are, the further away from sickness you are, the better chance you give yourself of surviving the unknown. It is not a guarantee but it is an advantage. We have all seen the memes "strong people (fit people) are harder to kill...". While a silly meme that gets attention on a shirt, there is some truth to it. Through a consistent "fit" lifestyle that includes constantly varied functional movements such as lifting, pushing, pulling, throwing, jumping etc. done with intensity coupled with proper sleep, eating nutritious meals and staying mobile we are effectively hedging against illness and injury. The work or lack of work we do prior to illness or accident is our hedge against sickness and death.
The greatest thing you can do for yourself and your loved ones it to commit to being fit. Develop the habits that make you harder to kill. The side effects are a more active, more self confident, more social and fulfilling longer life experience. We get to spend more quality time with the people we love doing the things we love to do. We travel freely, we play with our kids and grandkids. The list goes on and on. We only have one life, our choices matter so we must choose wisely.
On that note, Corey and Taylor are back at it keeping us moving and helping us stay fit. check out Thursday's home Workout Of the Day (WOD)
Warm Up
5/5 Thoracic Rotation & Extension
10 Sumo Inchworms with Push-up and shoulder tap
10 Broom Passthrough
10 Broom Good Morning
BodyWeight Wod
Accumulate 8:00 Hollow Hold
Every time you drop do
15 HR Pushups
20 Drop Lunges
Daily DB Wod
Accumulate 8:00 Hollow Hold
Every time you drop so
20 DB Floor Press
6 Devil Press